What an amazing spring! First week of May and we have apple trees in full bloom, lilacs just starting and now fresh powder on the mountain!  This world we have been given never cease to amaze me. So many new creations coming to life and the timing of it all is beautiful. I love the changes and surprises that keep everyday new!
New changes and growth are constants in our line of work. May Lawn & Home Care has been experiencing this in the company from day 1! God has blessed our company more than Jake and I could ever imaging. Who ever imagined we would have over 20 staff, 11 trucks (although we need 3 more right now!), tons of big boy toys (skids and excavators) and probably over a 100 hand tools!! We have been so blessed with the clients and staff we have been privileged to serve and serve with. The last few years we have felt a change in our hearts and a noticed that we may not have the best skills for leading MLHC into the future.
 So we started to look….. This winter we were introduced to Bob Zanett from Minnesota and the first of April Bob became the new owner of MLHC! He brings his family of 4 as well as his brother Jon and his family of 3 to the valley to join us.  Jake and I believe God has brought this together and have seen him working out the details! Our major concerns were the continuation of a healthy work environment for our staff and detailed care for our clients. Of which we are confident both will occur. We will be working with Bob and Jon over the next year to ensure a smooth transition. Also as of this week you will be able to reach Jon for maintenance questions at 261-8480 and Bob at 261-9515 for new installation inquiries.
 Jake and I again want to thank you all for trusting us and allowing our company to serve you these past years! It has been a blessing
Yvonne and Jake
It’s been so great getting to know you who we’ve met, and for those we haven’t had the chance to meet we are really looking forward to it! We wanted to introduce ourselves to all of you so you know a bit about us.
 We were both born in a super small town (Bob was Valedictorian in a class of 6 and Jon, not a Valedictorian, of 27) tucked away in the San Juan mountains of Colorado. The town is called Ouray. If you haven’t seen pictures of Ouray you should look it up. Very beautiful, much like here!
Our father was a miner and our mom worked at the local bank. We grew up in and around the mines with our dad. From a very young age we really got to see what hard work meant and often were sometimes put to work. We also got to see what honesty, integrity, and taking pride in your work meant.
We have always been close as a family. Our parents still live in Ouray and are retired. We both absolutely love the outdoors. If you ever want to go fly fishing give Jon a call! Family is very important to us, Bob and his wife Kristi have 3 children and Jon and his wife Amy have 2 little ones. We are both so excited and feel blessed to become part of the community. Please say “hi†if you see us! If it takes us a couple tries to remember names, please don’t be offended.
We are so grateful too to Jake and Yvonne! They are amazing! We wanted to thank them so much for the hard work they put into May Lawn and the service they have done for the past 15 years.
God Bless!
Bob and Jon Zanett
May Lawn and Home Care
Maintenance – 261-8480
Install and Design – 261-9515