
Whitefish Lake Landscape Project – Award Winning

Lakes-edge10-220x146May Lawn & Home Care Inc. would like to congratulate Mindful Designs Inc. on the Parade of Homes 2015 award winning project.  We had the opportunity to work with the home owner, Marty at Mindful, and Archer Excavation to tweak the established design to fit in with the property’s finishes and the owner’s desires.  Our project manager, Trebor Schwada did amazing job of juggling schedules, managing the site’s difficult access, and keeping an eye on the finish touches needed on this beautiful home.  This site did have a difficult access and we had to work in conjunction with all the trades to complete in a timely manner.   Being a summer highlight project for Trebs’s crew to work on with all the stone stair/walkway/retaining wall work, grading, lighting, planting, erosion control, and irrigation.




Rapid Finished Season-Landscape

Wow that was a quick shut down to the 2014 landscape season.  In three and weeks it went from sunny 70 degrees to 12 degrees.   Below is a snap shot of the end of year.

Friday- weather was sunny-we finished grading and seeding a 24000 sq ft lawn and 15000 sq ft native area-project ready for grass to grow in 2015

Saturday-weather started sunny and progressed to overcast-we worked on flagstone front entrance setting stone and getting base prepared

Sunday-weather was down pouring rain and cold – we finished final cuts and washing sand joints at 4:00 pm – down to the wire

Monday– weather is cold low of 12 degrees – went to job site to clean up – ground was frozen solid – shovels were useless


Rod’s crew last project of the year. Montana Select 2-3″ flagstone walkway.




landscape-lighting-design-03It is amazing how fast new technology can find its place amongst our lives.  May Lawn & Home Care Inc. is always looking for new ways to help make your landscaping better – not just aesthetically but also in energy savings wise.  Whether it be a water saving smart irrigation controller(only controller we install), well placed trees for shading, or LED lighting. We have been installing LED landscape lighting for the past 4 years.  Why LED lighting?

-bulbs last longer, some manufactures warranties are 15 years(when coupled with their transformers)

-lighting hue selections, manufactures offer different hues of light to match existing lights or change lighting effect

-LED lights use less electricity, not only means a smaller power bill but less in wire and transformer costs due to less voltage needed at each fixture

Landscape lighting can add to the safety of your property by illuminating walkways as the nights grow longer and can add visibility and depth to the landscape at night.  May Lawn & Home Care Inc. has been awarded the Kichler Lighting Pro status through our numerous years of experience installing their fixtures.  We not only offer Kichler landscape lights but FxLuminaire and Cast.  If between these three suppliers we can not find a lighting fixture that will meet your style and needs we can custom make lights.

187This light was created using a reclaimed timber and a LED fixture from Kichler.  It matches the architectural highlights of the home and fits very nicely into the landscape.

Give us a call or email to set up an appointment to discuss your lighting needs.


Edible Landscapes

Over the years May Lawn & Home Care Inc. has installed various garden plots and consulted on homeowner installed gardens.  Some pointers on garden thoughts:

-Figure out a space that will be close – but depending upon the fence you may not want it front and center.  The closer the bounty is to your kitchen or table the more likely you are to use it regularly.

-The second issue is to defend the space.  And yes as you plant your garden it will become the most desirable salad bar to deer, rabbits, gophers, elk, etc.  Options for a “defense system”(not taking about short range missiles) are motion sensing sprinklers(on occasion you may be the one that gets wet) or a fence.  We personally have tried the motion sprinkler system and forgot to turn it on once and most of the garden was leveled in one night.  So our from our experience the best is a 6’6″ game fence with a chicken wire wrap at the bottom(buried in the ground about 6”).  If you live in a high deer traffic area a taller fence maybe in order.  You can use the fence to grow vines, add a decorative gate/arbor, use timber posts and caps, walking paths, sitting areas, lighting, and decorative flower beds for making it more of a architectural part of the landscape.

-Size of the garden depends on the your answers to the following.  How many people are you feeding?  What plants do you want to grow?  Area for expansion? Do you want raised beds?  Berry plot?  Access between raised beds and other plants?  These all affect the size – we have done 10 x 15 to 50 x 50 plots.

-The next step is to figure out if the soil type that you have will grow what you want.  You may need amendments.  For example Blueberry plants need peat moss to produce.  Root veggies want more sandy composition in soils.

-Water source location.  We can extend irrigation systems to include gardens or just add a hose bib.IMG_0750

I will say this much.  Growing up my brothers and I made a large garden(with the help of mom and dad).  We grew corn, potatoes, carrots, onions.  Next door was a camp for road construction workers- we ended up selling produce and made some good money-better than a local lemonade stand.  One of the best decisions you can make for yourself and your family when planning and building a landscape is to transform a part of your lawn into a garden area.  It will teach and connect as you and your family plant and tend your own food.  Some of the most rewarding meals are that of what you have grown.


snow shovel

That’s a lot of snow

Tired of shoveling, sore muscles, and the daunting task of facing another snowy winter.  A lot of you know Cory your Lawncare Manager.  He has helped you with keeping your lawns mowed and green, flower beds looking beautiful, and irrigation running properly.  He now owns and runs Stumptown Plowing.  Give Cory a call for snow removal 406-260-1865.

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